Archaeobotanical Remains
by Karen R. Adams, Kristin A. Kuckelman, and Vandy E. Bowyer
Table 17. Season of Availability of Native Plant Taxa Recovered as Charred Specimens, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Spring (April–May–early June) resources
Stipa-type florets, caryopses
Summer (late June–July–August) resources
Amelanchier-type fruit
Capparaceae-type seeds
Cheno-am (Chenopodium/Amaranthus) seeds*
Plantago-type seeds*
Portulaca retusa–type seeds*
Purshia-type seeds Rhus aromatica–type seeds
Fall (September–October–first frost) resources
Cycloloma-type seeds*
Helianthus-type achenes Opuntia-type seeds*
Physalis longifolia–type fruit, seeds*
Potential year-round resources
Juniperus-type fruit
Wood of all trees and woody shrubs
NOTE: See Table 2 for a complete list of all taxa and parts recovered.
* Recovered from "Latest" contexts.
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