Nonstructure 1009, multiple study unit types
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Block 1000, northeast quadrant of site.
Specific Location
Immediately east of, and adjacent to, Structure 1008 (the lower story of a two-story tower).
Selection Criteria
There is no clear indication of use of the surface, other than for the deposition of refuse, although a possible doorway into the second story (Structure 1019) of the adjacent tower could indicate that this surface was used for access into that structure.
The surface was abandoned when the deposition of refuse began. The midden was probably abandoned as a result of the abandonment of the kiva suite.
Postabandonment Process
Stones collapsed from the upper walls of Structure 1019 (upper story of adjacent tower), and additional sediment was deposited naturally.
Dating of Construction
If Nonstructure 1009 includes a prepared surface, it is inferred to have been constructed around A.D. 1266 (on the basis of tree-ring dates from the adjacent structure--Structure 1008).
Dating of Remodeling
None noted.
Dating of Abandonment
The surface appears to have been abandoned when refuse began to accumulate on it, sometime after A.D 1266.
Dating of Midden
The refuse appears to have been deposited sometime after A.D. 1266, on the basis of tree-ring dates from the adjacent structure (Structure 1008).
Dating of Reuse
Was used as a midden after use of the surface ended, sometime after A.D. 1266.
Date Range
1 (A.D. 12501280)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.