Arbitrary Unit 114, multiple study unit types

About this Nonstructure

No Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Block 100, north end of site, just west of drainage.

Specific Location

Below Structure 107, in east "wing" of Block 100. Exact horizontal extent of surface is unknown, but it is assumed to extend beyond the small area exposed below Structure 107.

Selection Criteria


Little is known about the use of this area. Because such a small area beneath the floor of Structure 107 was excavated, and because within that area, a cultural surface and two wall segments were exposed, it is not clear whether the excavated area is inside or outside one or more structures. Therefore, the exposed area was designated an arbitrary unit consisting of multiple study unit types. What is known is that, before Structure 107 was built, at least two walls were constructed on a surface, and three small pits were pecked into it. The uses of these features are not known.


Abandonment of this surface was effected by the partial dismantling of the two walls (Features 2 and 3), and the deposition of construction fill for Structure 107 above this surface.

Postabandonment Process


Dating of Construction

This surface was not constructed. It was designated as a use surface on the basis of the presence of a bedrock feature and two wall stubs that clearly predate the construction of Structure 107 (kiva). However, at least one of the walls (Feature 2) is inferred to have been constructed after nearby Structure 102 (kiva), which is thought to have been constructed in or after A.D. 1274.

Dating of Remodeling

The walls were largely dismantled, and the surface and the bedrock feature on it were covered with construction fill when Structure 107 was built on top of it; this is inferred to have occurred sometime after A.D. 1274.

Dating of Abandonment

Surface was abandoned when Structure 107 was built on top of it, sometime after A.D. 1271 or 1274.

Dating of Midden

Not Applicable

Dating of Reuse

No evidence of reuse.

Date Range

1 (A.D. 1250–1280)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Details for Excavaton Units

No data for this selection.