Nonstructure 1218, cultural deposit, type unknown
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Block 1200, southeast quadrant of site, on cliff edge.
Specific Location
Surrounds Structure 1206 (kiva) on the north and east sides of the structure, extending from the kiva to the site-enclosing wall. It is below Arbitrary Unit 1213 and above Structures 1219 and 1220 (corner rooms). Nonstructure 1218 deposits also include sediment high in the fill above the benches on the north and east edges of the kiva.
Selection Criteria
This is fill above Structures 1219 and 1220 (kiva corner rooms) that appears to be scattered, burned roofing debris (but no large beams).
Not applicable.
Postabandonment Process
Not applicable.
Dating of Construction
Not constructed (fill).
Dating of Remodeling
Dating of Abandonment
Dating of Midden
Not Applicable
Dating of Reuse
Date Range
1 (A.D. 12501280)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.