Nonstructure 1506, multiple study unit types
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Block 1500, west-central portion of site, east of plaza.
Specific Location
Outside of, and adjacent to, the D-shaped building. The test trench (Segment 1) butts up against the exterior face of the east wall.
Selection Criteria
This nonstructure contains both a layer of construction material used to fill cracks in the bedrock for the construction of the outer wall of the D-shaped structure (Block 1500) and also a layer of secondary refuse above the construction layer. The refuse is inferred to be trash from occupation/use of the nearby structures in Block 1500.
The midden was probably abandoned as a result of the abandonment of the architectural block.
Postabandonment Process
The upper walls of the D-shaped structure collapsed onto the midden material, covering it.
Dating of Construction
Not Applicable
Dating of Remodeling
Not Applicable
Dating of Abandonment
Not Applicable
Dating of Midden
One tree-ring date for the refuse stratum--A.D. 1252r. This date appears to be slightly early, because this midden was deposited after the D-shaped structure was built, and the bi-wall rooms appear to have been built around or after A.D. 1260. It is probably therefore safe to infer that this refuse was deposited after A.D. 1260.
Dating of Reuse
Not Applicable
Date Range
1 (A.D. 12501280)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.