Nonstructure 119, extramural surface
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Central portion of site.
Specific Location
Northeast portion of Block 100; below Backhoe Trench 114.
Selection Criteria
Backhoe Trench 114 was placed to determine if another room existed east of Structure 104; Segment 1 began at base of trench to examine fill, exposing Nonstructure 119.
This surface represents an extramural surface from which a fire-pit (Feature 1) was excavated.
No evidence.
Postabandonment Process
Natural sediments covered the fire-pit and surface after the fire-pit (Feature 1) was no longer used.
Dating of Construction
Because there is no pottery data for this surface, the construction date is based on proximity to Structures 102, 103, 104, and 121. These rooms were constructed during the Pueblo II period. If this extramural surface is associated with these structures, the surface was probably used during the Pueblo II period.
Dating of Remodeling
None evident.
Dating of Abandonment
Dating of Midden
None evident.
Dating of Reuse
None evident.
Date Range
6 (A.D. 10601140)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
Segment 1 N E.
Central portion of site.
Northeastern portion of Block 100.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Backhoe Trench 114 was excavated to determine if another room existed east of Structure 104; Arbitrary 105 Segment 1 was placed in the bottom of Backhoe Trench 114 east of detected Structure 121 to identify any surfaces associated with the structure and t
Excavation Strategy
Full cut.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit