Nonstructure 1217, extramural surface

Artifact Inventory (Surfaces and Features Only)

  • List of all Artifacts associated with surfaces, feature fills, and feature surfaces (when applicable)
  • Artifacts are listed by surface, feature, and PL number
  • For analysis data for selected Artifact types and contexts, see buttons at right.

PL = point-location number
PD = provenience designation number
FS = field specimen number

Surface 1: Hearth (Feature 1), fill


Artifact Type

Provenience (PD, FS)

bone tube

PD 730, FS 3

bulk sherds

PD 730, FS 4


PD 730, FS 7


PD 730, FS 8

nonhuman bone

PD 730, FS 1

nonhuman bone

PD 730, FS 2

PL 1

flotation sample

PD 730, FS 5

PL 2

flotation sample

PD 730, FS 6


Artifact Type

Provenience (PD, FS)


PD 728, FS 3


PD 728, FS 10

bulk sherds

PD 728, FS 2

bulk sherds

PD 728, FS 4

bulk sherds

PD 728, FS 5

bulk sherds

PD 728, FS 15

chipped stone

PD 728, FS 8


PD 728, FS 9

indeterminate ground stone

PD 728, FS 6

indeterminate ground stone

PD 728, FS 7

indeterminate ground stone

PD 728, FS 12

mineral/stone sample

PD 728, FS 11

nonhuman bone

PD 728, FS 14

nonhuman bone

PD 728, FS 16


PD 728, FS 1

PL 1

other modified stone/mineral

PD 728, FS 13