Nonstructure 251, extramural surface


In order by map number

Site 5MT3807, Block 200, Plan

Type: Plan View

View: Not Available


Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 201, cultural deposit, type unknown
Arbitrary Unit 202, noncultural
Nonstructure 203, extramural surface
Nonstructure 204, extramural surface
Structure 205, subterranean room
Nonstructure 206, extramural surface
Nonstructure 207, extramural surface
Structure 208, subterranean kiva
Structure 209, masonry surface structure
Nonstructure 210, midden
Backhoe Trench 211, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 212, not further specified
Structure 213, other masonry structure
Nonstructure 214, extramural surface
Nonstructure 215, extramural surface
Backhoe Trench 216, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 217, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 218, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 219, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 220, not further specified
Structure 221, subterranean kiva
Structure 222, subterranean kiva
Structure 223, subterranean kiva
Structure 224, subterranean kiva
Structure 225, subterranean kiva
Nonstructure 226, midden
Backhoe Trench 227, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 228, not further specified
Structure 229, other masonry structure
Backhoe Trench 230, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 231, not further specified
Backhoe Trench 232, not further specified
Nonstructure 233, midden
Structure 234, subterranean kiva
Nonstructure 235, extramural surface
Backhoe Trench 236, not further specified
Structure 237, earth-walled pit structure
Nonstructure 238, midden
Nonstructure 239, midden
Backhoe Trench 240, not further specified
Structure 241, subterranean kiva
Structure 242, other masonry structure
Structure 243, subterranean kiva
Nonstructure 244, extramural surface
Nonstructure 245, midden
Structure 246, masonry structure, type unknown
Nonstructure 247, extramural surface
Nonstructure 248, extramural surface
Structure 249, masonry structure, type unknown
Nonstructure 250, extramural surface
Nonstructure 251, extramural surface
Nonstructure 252, extramural surface

Site 5MT3807, Nonstructures 238, 248, 249, 250, 251, and 252, Plan

Type: Plan View

View: Not Available

Nonstructure 238 is a midden deposit. Nonstructures 248-252 were designated to account for ephemeral surfaces (all inferred) associated with the construction of the pit and wall features mapped here.

Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 238, midden
Nonstructure 248, extramural surface
Structure 249, masonry structure, type unknown
Nonstructure 250, extramural surface
Nonstructure 251, extramural surface
Nonstructure 252, extramural surface