Nonstructure 901, extramural surface


In order by map number

Site 5MT5, Structure 903 and Nonstructures 901 and 905, Stratigraphic Profile

Type: Stratigraphic Profile

View: grid west


Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Arbitrary Unit 900, noncultural
Nonstructure 901, extramural surface
Structure 903, earth-walled pit structure
Nonstructure 905, extramural surface

Site 5MT5, Block 900 Topography

Type: Plan View

View: Not Available


Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Arbitrary Unit 900, noncultural
Nonstructure 901, extramural surface
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface
Structure 903, earth-walled pit structure
Nonstructure 904, extramural surface
Nonstructure 905, extramural surface
Structure 906, masonry surface structure
Structure 907, masonry surface structure
Structure 908, masonry structure, type unknown
Nonstructure 909, midden
Nonstructure 910, midden
Nonstructure 911, midden