Nonstructure 1000, extramural surface
In order by map number
Site 5MT765, Excavated Portion of Architectural Block 1000
Type: Plan View
Not Available
Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 1000, extramural surface
Structure 1001, masonry surface structure
Structure 1002, masonry surface structure
Structure 1003, masonry surface structure
Structure 1004, aboveground kiva
Structure 1005, masonry surface structure
Structure 1006, masonry surface structure
Structure 1007, masonry surface structure
Structure 1008, masonry surface structure
Nonstructure 1009, multiple study unit types
Nonstructure 1016,
Structure 1017, kiva corner room
Structure 1018, kiva corner room
Structure 1019, masonry surface structure
Site 5MT765, Courtyard 1000, Surface 1
Type: Plan View
Not Available
Map includes point-located artifacts/samples
Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 1000, extramural surface
Structure 1005, masonry surface structure
Structure 1006, masonry surface structure
Structure 1007, masonry surface structure
Site 5MT765, Courtyard 1000, Surface 2
Type: Plan View
Not Available
Map includes point-located artifacts/samples
Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 1000, extramural surface
Structure 1005, masonry surface structure
Structure 1006, masonry surface structure
Structure 1007, masonry surface structure
Site 5MT765, Arbitrary Unit 1014
Type: Plan View
Not Available
Map depicts all or part of the following Study Units:
Nonstructure 1000, extramural surface
Structure 1005, masonry surface structure
Structure 1006, masonry surface structure
Structure 1007, masonry surface structure
Arbitrary Unit 1014, multiple study unit types