Nonstructure 1107, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Northwestern portion of site.
Specific Location
East-central portion of Block 1100; Nonstructure 1107, Segment 1 is located below Backhoe Trench 1105 and in 2-x-2-m unit, 656.65N, 375.5E. In depression of Structure 1108.
Selection Criteria
Nonstructure 1107 2-x-2-m unit, 656.65N 375.5E was placed north of Backhoe Trench 1105 to further sample the secondary refuse. Nonstructure 1107 Segment 1 was excavated below Backhoe Trench 1105 to further sample the secondary refuse.
Although pottery within this midden dates from the Pueblo II and Pueblo III periods, the refuse was deposited into Structure 1108 by residents from a nearby roomblock during the early Pueblo III period.
Secondary refuse was no longer discarded after the early Pueblo III period.
Postabandonment Process
Some natural sediments accumulated above Nonstructure 1107. Plowing disturbed the upper portion of the refuse deposits.
Dating of Midden
Secondary refuse was deposited in the depression of Structure 1108 during the early Pueblo III period.
Date Range
7 (A.D. 11401225)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
Segment 1 N E.
Northwestern portion of site.
East-central portion of Block 1100; below Backhoe Trench 1105.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Backhoe Trench 1105 uncovered Nonstructure 1107 and Structure 1108. Segment 1 was placed below Backhoe Trench 1105 to sample Nonstructure 1107 and Structure 1108.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
2-x-2 meter grid unit 656.65N 375.5E.
Northwestern portion of site.
East-central portion of Block 1100; directly north of Backhoe Trench 1105.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. 2-x-2-m unit was placed north of Backhoe Trench 1105 to further sample intact midden deposits (Nonstructure 1107), and to sample the hearth in Structure 1108.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit