Structure 103, masonry surface structure


Sorted by photo date and then by photo number.

ViewDesc: Multiple study units

Description: Structures 102, 103, and 104. Excavation Units 627, 694, and 630.

Direction of View: east

Date of Photo: 28-May-97

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 102:
Structure 102, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 103:
Structure 103, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 104:
Structure 104, masonry surface structure

ViewDesc: Multiple study units

Description: Structures 102, 103, and 104. Excavation Units 627, 694, and 630.

Direction of View: south

Date of Photo: 28-May-97

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 102:
Structure 102, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 103:
Structure 103, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 104:
Structure 104, masonry surface structure

ViewDesc: Multiple study units

Description: Structures 102, 103, and 104. Excavation Units 627, 694, and 630.

Direction of View: south

Date of Photo: 28-May-97

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 102:
Structure 102, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 103:
Structure 103, masonry surface structure
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 104:
Structure 104, masonry surface structure