Nonstructure 104, extramural surface


Sorted by photo date and then by photo number.

ViewDesc: Plan view, feature

Description: Not Available

Direction of View: west

Date of Photo: 27-Sep-96

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 104:
Nonstructure 104, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
1-x-1-meter grid unit 903N 964E, Surface 1 (contact only)
Feature: 1:Firepit

ViewDesc: Plan view, feature

Description: Not Available

Direction of View: west

Date of Photo: 27-Sep-96

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 104:
Nonstructure 104, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
1-x-1-meter grid unit 903N 964E, Surface 1 (contact only)