Nonstructure 902, extramural surface


Sorted by photo date and then by photo number.

ViewDesc: Plan view, feature

Description: Not Available

Direction of View: south

Date of Photo: 05-Jul-95

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 902:
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
2-x-1-meter grid unit 1245N 1007E, Surface 1 (contact only)
Feature: 1:Wall: other

ViewDesc: Face view, architecture

Description: Feature 1 is the construction associated with the gray clay that protrudes from the face of the north wall of Structure 908 (the well-constructed masonry wall).

Direction of View: south

Date of Photo: 05-Jul-95

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 902:
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
2-x-1-meter grid unit 1245N 1007E, Surface 1 (contact only)
Feature: 1:Wall: other
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 908:
Structure 908, masonry structure, type unknown
Horizontal unit(s):
2-x-1-meter grid unit 1245N 1007E, Surface 1 (contact only)

ViewDesc: Profile view, stratigraphy

Description: Full profile face, bottom half is moist.

Direction of View: east

Date of Photo: 13-Jul-95

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 900:
Arbitrary Unit 900, noncultural
Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 902:
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface

ViewDesc: Profile view, feature

Description: Excavation unit profile face after the portion of the feature within the unit had been removed.

Direction of View: east

Date of Photo: 14-Jul-95

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 902:
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
2-x-1-meter grid unit 1245N 1007E, Surface 1 (contact only)
Feature: 1:Wall: other

ViewDesc: Profile view, feature

Description: Excavation unit profile face after the portion of Feature 1 within the unit had been removed.

Direction of View: east

Date of Photo: 14-Jul-95

Photo depicts artifacts from Study Unit 902:
Nonstructure 902, extramural surface
Horizontal unit(s):
2-x-1-meter grid unit 1245N 1007E, Surface 1 (contact only)
Feature: 1:Wall: other