Structure 1002, masonry surface structure

About this Structure

General Location

Block 1000, northeast quadrant of site.

Specific Location

South of Structure 1001, east of Structure 1003, north of Nonstructure 1000 (courtyard).

Interpretive Type

Living room.

Structure Use

This room appears to have been used for some domestic activities, and so is categorized as a living room. A few small tools and some sherds were left on the floor and appear to be primary refuse. Floor features included three firepits, which indicate that cooking could have occurred here, or that there was a need for warmth, or for lighting in this room. Raised-sill doorways were originally constructed in the northwest and southeast walls. This suggests that Structures 1001 and 1002 were used by one residence group, presumably by the same residence group that occupied Structures 1003 adjacent to the southwest, and 1004 (kiva), although no doorway connects either Structure 1001 or 1002 to Structure 1003. At some point in time, the doorway in the northwest wall was blocked, which might indicate that use of Structure 1001 shifted to the residents of the unexcavated kiva suite to the northwest. If Feature 8 (inferred doorway above the level of the roof) did indeed exist in the site enclosing wall, it would indicate that the roof of Structure 1002 might have seen use associated with a second story of the adjacent tower (Structure 1019).


Abandonment appears to have been effected with the deposition of the body of a child (Feature 8, Human Remains Occurrence 13) on the fill of a firepit (Feature 1) in the south corner of the room. The positioning of the body suggests that the body was either intentionally placed or, more likely, was dropped feet first through a roof hatchway. The absence of secondary refuse on the floor and in the fill of this room suggests that this event probably occurred around the same time the kiva suite was abandoned--apparently as a result of a violent event (see "Abandonment" for Structure 1001).


The roof and then the upper walls appear to have collapsed naturally, and additional sediment was deposited naturally.

Excavation Details

No excavation details recorded for this study unit.