Structure 110, masonry surface structure

About this Structure

General Location

Block 100, north end of site, west of drainage.

Specific Location

Southwest "wing" of Block 100, between the two southernmost kivas (no structure numbers assigned), north edge of main plaza.

Interpretive Type

Not assigned.

Structure Use

Use of this structure is difficult to infer with the data at hand, as only a portion of the room was excavated. Few artifacts were found on the floor, and there were no floor features in the excavated portion of the room. If the entire room is similar to the portion excavated, it would appear to have been used for storage.


The roof was not burned. Probably abandoned in a leisurely manner, and before other structures in this suite were abandoned, as some trash was deposited above the collapsed roofing material.


Roof collapsed, some trash was deposited into the structure depression.

Excavation Details

No excavation details recorded for this study unit.