Structure 1202, masonry surface structure
About this Structure
General Location
Block 1200, southeast quadrant of site, on cliff edge.
Specific Location
Between Structure 1201 to the south and Structure 1209 to the north, in the row of rooms that partly "frames" the kiva (Structure 1206) and corner room (Structure 1222) complex located to the east (the east wall of Structure 1202 forms part of the kiva-enclosing wall).
Interpretive Type
Storage room.
Structure Use
Few data on which to base an interpretation of use. The absence of floor features, floor plaster, and doorways (suggesting roof hatchway access) suggests that this room was not used for habitation. A small amount of refuse located on the floor in the northeast corner of the room suggests that there might have been a hatchway in that corner of the roof. This room is tentatively inferred to have been used for storage.
The lack of artifacts on the floor suggests that this room was abandoned in a leisurely manner. The presence of a small deposit of secondary refuse on the floor indicates that the room might have been abandoned slightly before the rest of the kiva suite.
The roof and then the upper walls collapsed into the room; most of the west wall probably fell westward off the cliff. Additional sediment was deposited naturally.
Excavation Details
No excavation details recorded for this study unit.