Structure 1504, masonry surface structure
About this Structure
General Location
Block 1500, west-central portion of site, east of plaza.
Specific Location
North wall of the D-shaped building, between Structures 1513 (to the west) and 1512 (to the east).
Interpretive Type
Not assigned.
Structure Use
Few data on which to base an inference of use, although the location of this structure in a D-shaped, bi-wall structure might indicate special use. One sherd and a portion of a mano were among the few artifacts found on the excavated portion of the floor. A burned spot (Feature 3) on the floor indicates some use of the room that required either light, heat, or the ability to heat food. Three of the four walls of this room were originally constructed with doorways in them; there was thus originally access between this room and Structure 1513 to the west, Structure 1512 to the east, and to whatever structure or open space originally occupied the area south of this structure. These doorways were later plugged with masonry, either all at the same time or at different times. The blocking of these doorways suggests that the use of these rooms changed at some point, or reflects a change in the desired pattern of access, or both. These doorways could have been designed to be used only during the construction of the architectural block and to be blocked upon completion of the building. However, the careful construction of the doorways suggests that this was not the case. After these doorways were blocked (and if there is no doorway in the east end of the north wall in the unexcavated portion of the room), access into this room was presumably exclusively through a hatchway in the roof. The extant walls of this room are fully tall enough for one story and the fill of the room contained abundant sandstone rubble. It is therefore possible that this room was either a very tall one story room, or there was another story above Structure 1504. There were no beam sockets in the extant portions of the walls, however, and there was no evidence of two strata of roof fall debris, so conclusive evidence of a second story is lacking.
The paucity of artifacts on the exposed portion of the floor suggests a leisurely abandonment. The absence of refuse in the structure fill suggests that this room was abandoned at the same time the rest of the architectural block was abandoned.
The roof, which was not burned, appears to have collapsed naturally (with some associated objects that rested on it). The upper walls of the structure also collapsed, and additional sediment was deposited naturally.
Excavation Details
No excavation details recorded for this study unit.