Structure 1511, masonry surface structure
About this Structure
General Location
Block 1500, west-central portion of site, east of plaza.
Specific Location
East side of the D-shaped building, between Structure 1512 to the north and Structure 1507 to the south.
Interpretive Type
Not assigned.
Structure Use
Few data on which to base an interpretation of use, although the location of this room in a D-shaped, bi-wall structure might indicate special use. No artifacts or features were found on the portion of floor exposed. A doorway in the north wall of the room indicates that, originally, there was mutual access between this room and Structure 1512 adjacent to the north. However, this doorway was blocked with masonry sometime during the occupation of the room, possibly indicating a change in the use of the room(s). Neither face of the south wall of this room was exposed, so it is not known if it contains a doorway. Access could have been through a roof hatchway.
The absence of floor artifacts on the portion of floor exposed suggests a leisurely abandonment. Refuse in the structure fill indicates that occupation of the architectural block continued after this room was abandoned.
The unburned roof collapsed, refuse was deposited for a relatively short period of time, and then the upper portions of walls collapsed over a period of time. Additional sediment was deposited naturally.
Excavation Details
No excavation details recorded for this study unit.