Structure 1526, masonry surface structure
About this Structure
General Location
Block 1500, west-central portion of site, east of plaza.
Specific Location
This is the inferred upper story to Structure 1507, located in the southeast corner of the D-shaped building. The presence of this structure is inferred on the basis of two possible wall sockets that are assumed to indicate a break between the lower and upper stories.
Interpretive Type
Not assigned.
Structure Use
Few data on which to base an inference of use. If this room existed, its location within a D-shaped, bi-wall structure might indicate special use. Also, it would have been an upper-story room, which might have been significant. Any physical evidence pertaining to the use of this possible room would have collapsed into the lower-story room (Structure 1507) and wouldn't be distinguishable from the remains of the lower-story room.
No data.
No data.
Excavation Details
No excavation details recorded for this study unit.