Structure 207, masonry surface structure
About this Structure
General Location
Block 200, west edge of site, west-northwest of plaza.
Specific Location
Just north of, and adjacent to, Structures 208/212.
Interpretive Type
Storage room.
Structure Use
Little direct evidence of use of this small room. A few tools and sherd clusters were found on the floor. There are no indications of habitation, such as a hearth, and no doorway. Access is thus assumed to have been through a roof hatchway. The room does have a prepared floor, which is more typical of habitation rooms than of storage rooms; however the absence of a hearth and the inferred hatchway entry lead to an interpretation of storage for this room.
The small number of artifacts on the floor suggests a leisurely abandonment.
Roof and upper walls collapsed naturally and additional sediment was deposited naturally.
Excavation Details
No excavation details recorded for this study unit.