Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Archaeology Manuals: Laboratory Manual, Version 1
A thorough treatment of Crow Canyon’s laboratory procedures, including artifact classification and cataloging, pottery analysis, stone-tool analysis, and records management.
Occasional Papers: The Architecture of Social Integration in Prehistoric Pueblos
Theoretical, historical, and cross-cultural perspectives on Pueblo architecture and social organization at scales of integration ranging from the household to...
Webinars: Un-Erasing the Indigenous Paleolithic: Re-claiming and Re-Writing the Indigenous Past of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas)
In the Americas, the deep Indigenous past prior to 12,000 years before the present has been aggressively denied by American...
Testimonial Videos: Travel with Crow Canyon: Dr. Joseph Suina’s Story
History and archaeology of the Southwest at times have been presented as if native civilizations disappeared a thousand years ago....
Webinars: Where Are the Pens? Ancestral Pueblo Turkey Husbandry and Management on the Pajarito Plateau
Turkeys, both wild and domestic, were likely exploited, raised and bred during the Ancestral Pueblo-era on the Pajarito Plateau. Past...
Testimonial Videos: Ways of Being
Share the human experience. Learn more at
Site Reports: The Northern Chaco Outliers Project: 2018 Annual Report
Annual report summarizing progress on the Northern Chaco Outliers Project during Crow Canyon’s 2018 field season.
Site Reports: Mesa Verde National Park Field Trip Lessons, Grades 5–6
A partnership among the History Colorado State Historical Fund, Mesa Verde National Park and Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, the Mesa...
Project Databases: Shields Pueblo Database
The Shields Pueblo Database includes a wide variety of field and laboratory data generated as a result of Crow Canyon's...
Webinars: Federal Indian Boarding Schools in Colorado
Dr. Holly Norton, History Colorado and Mr. Garrett Briggs, enrolled member of the Southern Ute Indian TribeThe State of Colorado...

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