Albert Porter Pueblo (Site 5MT123) is the site of an Ancestral Pueblo village located in what is now southwestern Colorado near the modern town of Yellow Jacket, and was nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1999. In 2000, The Archaeological Conservancy granted Crow Canyon Archaeological Center permission to conduct a two-year testing project at Albert Porter Pueblo. Testing began in 2001 and continued through 2002. After obtaining permission from the Conservancy, Crow Canyon conducted an additional two years of testing; excavation was completed at the end of the 2004 field season.
Research at Albert Porter Pueblo was guided by Crow Canyon’s long-term research design, titled “Communities through Time: Cooperation, Conflict, and Migration.” This research design focused on the development and depopulation of ancestral Pueblo communities in the central Mesa Verde region. The overarching goal of the Albert Porter Pueblo project was to reconstruct the historic development of the village and the associated community. Albert Porter Pueblo was part of the Woods Canyon Community, and work there helped better understand and interpret this important ancestral community.