Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Webinars: Reassessing Archaeological Landscapes in the Mesa Verde Region Using LiDAR
For decades, archaeologists have relied on their eyes to discern and document landscape features created by Ancestral Pueblo peoples of...
Webinars: Mid-to-Late Holocene Hydroclimate in the Southwest USA: Evidence from Lava Tube Ice
The southwestern United States has historically faced droughts and tough climate conditions, a situation predating the extensive effects of human-caused...
Webinars: Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Land Grant Institutions: A Forgotten Debt
In 2020, High Country News published a report called "Land-grab Universities" (Lee and Ahtone, 2020). This work brought visibility to...
Webinars: Decolonizing Cartography: Reclaiming and Reimagining Indigenous Cartographic Traditions
Cartography, or the science of mapmaking, is often portrayed as a European invention and lives in popular imagination as primarily...
Webinars: History, Art and Place: Buffalo Soldiers in the American West
History, place, and fine art intersect in buffalo soldiers: reVision, an exhibition at the Fort Garland Museum & Cultural Center,...
Webinars: Autonomy: Core Element of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt
Certain words become symbols. Crowds shouting “USA, USA” stir emotions of fervent nationalism. America is one of those words, often...
Webinars: The Land Leads Us: Indigenous Learnings in Conservation, Leadership, and Movements
“The Lands Lead Us: Indigenous Learnings in Conservation, Leadership, and Movements," explores a holistic approach to land stewardship, emphasizing the...
Webinars: Wild Food and Cuisine
Wild-food and cultivated plants are found everywhere on the globe alongside human civilizations. They follow our footsteps impeccably, as humans...
Webinars: Native American Flutes of North America
Flutes found in the Americas, and more specifically the flutes of North America, have been in use for thousands of...
Webinars: National Mustang Association of Colorado
The National Mustang Association of Colorado (NMACO) is committed to preserving and protecting horses in the wild and promoting conscious...
Webinars: Impacts to Diné Activities with the San Juan River after the Gold King Mine Spill
On August 5th, 2015, 3 million gallons of acid mine drainage was accidentally discharged from the Gold King Mine near...
Webinars: Listening Seriously for O’odham Heritage
In this talk, Dr. Hill will discuss his insights into the value of considering Native perspectives on heritage. Archaeologists have...

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