Reference list for the Sand Canyon Pueblo Database
References Cited
The code (author-date-asterisk-number) preceding each entry in this list is identical to
the code used in the corresponding citation in text.
Adams 1985*1
Adams, E. C.
1985 Annual Report
of Test Excavations at 5MT765, Sand Canyon Pueblo, and Archaeological Survey
in T36N, R18W, Sections 12 & 24, and T36N, R16W, Sections 29 & 30.
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the
Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1986*1
Bradley, B. A.
1986 1985 Annual Report
of Test Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management,
San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1987*1
Bradley, B. A.
1987 Annual Report
of Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Montezuma County, Colorado:
1986 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area
Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1988*2
Bradley, B. A.
1988 Annual Report
on the Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo, 1987 Field Season. Crow Canyon
Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of
Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1990*2
Bradley, B. A.
1990 Annual Report of
the 1989 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management,
San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1991*2
Bradley, B. A.
1991 Excavations in
Public Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: The 1991 Field Season. Crow
Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau
of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley 1992*2
Bradley, B. A.
1992 Excavations at Sand
Canyon Pueblo. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report,
edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 79-97. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Bradley and Churchill 1994*1
Bradley, B. A., and M. J. Churchill
1994 Excavations in
Civic Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: The 1992 Field Season. Crow
Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau
of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Bradley and Churchill 1995*1
Bradley, B. A., and M. J. Churchill
1995 Annual Report
of the 1993 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management,
San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Fewkes 1919*1
Fewkes, J. W.
1919 Prehistoric Villages,
Castles, and Towers of Southwestern Colorado. Bureau of American Ethnology
Bulletin, no. 70. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Kleidon and Bradley 1989*1
Kleidon, J., and B. A. Bradley
1989 Annual Report
of the 1988 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management,
San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado.
Kuckelman 1999*3
Kuckelman, K. A.
1999 Lester's Site. In
The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: Site Testing [HTML Title],
edited by M. D. Varien, Chapter 8. Available:
Metzger and Breternitz-Goulding 1981*1
Metzger, T. R., and S. L. Breternitz-Goulding
1981 Ruin Stabilization
Activities at Sand Canyon Pueblo/Cliff Dwelling, Cannonball and LowryThree
Anasazi Sites in Southwestern Colorado. Mesa Verde Regional Research Center
and Bureau of Anthropological Research (University of Colorado). Report submitted
to the Bureau of Land Management, Montrose District Office, Montrose, Colorado.
Mills 1993*1
Mills, P. R.
1993 An Axe to Grind:
A Functional Analysis of Anasazi Stone Axes from Sand Canyon Pueblo Ruin (5MT765),
Southwestern Colorado. Kiva 58:393-413.
Pierce et al. 1998*1
Pierce, C., K. R. Adams, and J. D. Stewart
1998 Determining the
Fuel Constituents of Ancient Hearth Ash Via ICP-AES Analysis. Journal of
Archaeological Science 25:493-503.
Prudden 1903*1
Prudden, T. M.
1903 The Prehistoric
Ruins of the San Juan Watershed in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico.
American Anthropologist 5:224-288.